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Join us for an engaging panel discussion featuring two distinguished human rights professionals making significant contributions to the field. The program will begin with introductions and an overview of their inspiring careers, highlighting their work in protecting civic space, advising journalists and human rights defenders, pursuing justice for atrocity crimes, and advocating for human rights on a global scale. Following the introductions, the floor will open for a dynamic Q&A session, allowing students and alumni to connect with these experts, learn from their experiences, and gain insights into careers in international human rights law.


Jim Anaya, University Distinguished Professor and Nicholas Doman Professor of International Law

Marissa Kardon Weber ’19 JD, International Criminal and Human Rights Lawyer, Legal Advisor with Project Expedite Justice’s Ukraine Program

Maria Werneck ’19 LLM, Human Rights Associate Office in Mexico of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

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